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  • Cards
  • Rude Cards
  • Gifts
  • Mother's Day
  • Occasions
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  • Art Cards
  • Non Humour
  • Wrap
  • Modern Toss
  • David Shrigley
  • Sale
  • meet the team
    meet mark
    meet mark
    meet ben
    meet ben
    meet gavin
    meet gavin
    meet jenny
    meet jenny
    meet dennis
    meet dennis
    meet toni
    meet toni
    meet janet
    meet janet
    meet ken
    meet ken
    meet juan
    meet juan
    meet peter
    meet peter
    meet mungo
    meet mungo
    meet simon
    meet simon
    meet the team about us

    Less dull, more fun! Life is way too short for boring. At Brainbox Candy, we have dedicated 10 years of our lives to help lovely people like you (yes YOU!) brighten someone else's day. We've been responsible for a few coughing fits and some soiled underwear along the way but it's been well worth it. It feels good, feedback and reviews regularly make us smile, sometimes guffaw!

    in the beginning

    In the beginning, Ben and Mark (that's me and the other one) contemplated the daunting question 'Do we start a sausage factory or try and make funny stuff?' The answer was simple, we knew nothing about sausages or factories but we knew how to laugh. So we strapped on some big knickers and got to work, trying hard to make each other laugh more than normal. The result was some almighty hangovers, a worrying perspective on our state of mind, but crucially, a notebook rammed with ideas. The rest, as they say, is history.

    and now?

    We now have an amazing team of super-dedicated people who bring in dirty great big smiles every day and help us to do what we do much betterer. We also have a nice office by the sea (tides out at the moment but it's still very pretty). A far cry from taking it in turns to sit on each others laps, with just a typewriter and one mug to share.


    Yeah, we're award winning and everything. It was totes emosh. If you've ever won an award then you know what we mean. If you haven't, then you probably deserve one and if it was up to us, we'd defo give you one. We don't remember too much about it because we were smashed on the free fizz. Great night (apparently).

    what's next

    Well we dun did made loads of cards didn't we? And then thought 'let's try and make some gifts' so we did. We are currently designing a range of sunglasses for alsatians. Cos scary dogs wanna look cool too.


    If Brainbox Candy was an animal, what would it be?

    It would be a bastard love child between a tortoise and an eagle. (A Torgle).

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    What's your favourite rude word?

    Donald Trump or Bumtits.

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    If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger selves?

    You’re a couple of fucking idiots.

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    How do I get to work at Brainbox Candy?

    Fill in this application form. It's dead easy. We only really use it to be nosey.

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    When I am on the Brainbox Candy website, am I using my internet or your internet? If I'm using your internet, is it costing me money?

    No Mum, it doesn't, we've discussed this. (Several times).

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    Will using this website make me pregnant?

    Unlikely, unless you're on it for more than 4 hours - then it's a 1 in 10 chance :(

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    Do you know where my remote control is?

    Good question, thank you Janet, have you checked under your bum? If not, it's probably in the biscuit tin.

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    So I'm in a real hurry and need one of your fabulous products today (i.e. I forgot and cannot wait for the post) where could I buy your stuff?

    Aaah you'll be needing one of our fine bricks and mortar retailers. There's plenty of them up and down the land from Paperchase, Scribbler, Oliver Bonas, Waterstones, Selfridges. We're blessed to be in many top quality indies, give us a shout with your postcode and we'll find the closest retailer for you.

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    Where do you make your stuff?

    We’re fiercely UK based in everything we do from print to packing. We love supporting our clever island of makerers. It means we control the quality and our tummies go all funny waving a union jack every time we get a delivery.

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    What do your mums think of your stuff?

    They think we’re a couple of twats and they regularly break in to our office to wee on stuff like angry foxes. (Barbara has never gotten over the fact that Mark could have been a professional ballet dancer.)

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    Favourite word beginning with P?

    Pancreas, obviously.